Preservation Month 2024

One of the oldest buildings in Washington DC and the last remaining Federal Era Tavern is about to be lost without your help.

The City Tavern Club, a cherished landmark in the heart of Georgetown, faces a pressing financial deadline. The City Tavern Club has been in existence for over sixty years now, with the primary objective of restoring and preserving this landmark building. The City Tavern Club is facing some urgent financial constraints, and to fulfill its preservation mission, it has entered into an agreement to sell the building to the City Tavern Preservation Foundation.

May 1st is the start of Preservation Month, a time when we consider the significance of preserving our heritage. Our friends at the National Trust remind us of their mission: People Saving Places. This mission saved the City Tavern many years ago when concerned neighbors gathered to buy the building, saving it from being demolished. Today, a similar threat looms, and your assistance is crucial.

Under the guardianship of the City Tavern Preservation Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, the City Tavern will not only be preserved but will also become a destination for the neighborhood, the city, and the nation. As a place frequented by many of our founding fathers, the tavern holds a unique and irreplaceable historical significance that must be safeguarded for future generations.

We implore you to support us in this worthy endeavor.

Your support, whether through a donation or by spreading the word, will play a vital role in ensuring that the City Tavern remains an integral part of our city’s rich architectural heritage. With no more federal-era taverns left in Washington, the time to act to preserve this important piece of history is now.

Together, we can be the People Saving Places. Let’s ensure that the fate of the City Tavern is not lost to commercialization or neglect. 

Thank you for your support.


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Join us for an interactive presentation with NVCC’s Dr. Dluger and Dr. Porter as they discuss the intolerable acts of 1774!