Celebrating Community and Preservation: City Tavern Raffle Success

In the midst of October’s stunning display of golden and crimson foliage, the City Tavern Preservation Foundation initiated a humble fundraising campaign to rally support for our upcoming Gala. The initiative was a raffle, offering an enticing prize: tickets to the annual City Tavern Gala! The response from the community was nothing short of extraordinary. Over 25 days, supporters came together, generously contributing to the cause, and in the end, nearly $2000 was raised. The City Tavern Preservation Foundation was not only astounded by the generosity of the donors but also deeply touched by the shared dedication to preserving a piece of history.


The City Tavern, standing tall and proud, is more than just a building; it’s a repository of memories and stories, a testament to the rich heritage of our city. The funds raised through the raffle represent a significant step forward in the ongoing mission to restore and preserve this historical landmark. Every dollar collected signifies the community’s commitment to safeguarding our shared history for future generations.


All the generous donors’ names were meticulously added to a non-biased randomizer generator with the utmost attention. Amongst the sea of names, one stood out – Andrew P. A hearty congratulations are for Andrew P., the fortunate recipient of two tickets to this year’s annual Gala.


The City Tavern Gala promises an evening of elegance, culture, and celebration. Those fortunate enough to attend are in for a treat, with exquisite cuisine, captivating entertainment, and the chance to mingle with fellow history enthusiasts. Andrew P. is set to embark on an unforgettable journey, a night where history and contemporary charm coalesce.


A Heartfelt Thank You


The success of the October raffle was not merely in the funds raised, but in the sense of unity and purpose, it fostered within the community. The City Tavern Preservation Foundation extends heartfelt gratitude to each and every donor who participated. Your contributions have paved the way for the ongoing preservation efforts, ensuring that the City Tavern Building continues to stand tall, telling the tales of our past for generations to come.


As the fall season fades into winter, the City Tavern Preservation Foundation looks forward to a future illuminated by the glow of historic preservation and community spirit. With the support from the October raffle, the Foundation is empowered to take significant strides in its mission. Plans for restoration, educational initiatives, and community outreach are on the horizon, promising a vibrant future for the City Tavern and its surrounding community.


The success of the October raffle serves as a testament to the unwavering dedication of our community to safeguarding our heritage. The City Tavern Preservation Foundation’s journey is far from over, and with the continued support of passionate individuals like you, the preservation efforts will only grow stronger. Together, we are not just preserving a building; we are maintaining the soul of our city, ensuring that the echoes of the past resonate through the corridors of the City Tavern for generations.


Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to preserving history and creating a legacy that will endure time.